Dr Simone Matousek operates at St Luke's Private Hospital and Bondi Junction Private Hospital.
You will find below some information about both hospitals.
If you have your procedure as day surgery, you must be accompanied by a responsible adult no matter what you are having done in order to go home.
There are good accommodation options nearby to both hospitals as well as carer services if you are coming from interstate or do not have anyone to take you home in Sydney.
Organising a surgical procedure
Private Hospital stay
You have a dedicated anaesthetist who will manage you during your procedure and ensure the best post-operative pain relief.
AnaesthesiaPrivate Health Funds- Which procedures will they cover?
Some procedures may be eligible for private health fund or Medicare rebates. This depends on your level of cover and the exact procedure you hare having done.
Medicare covered plastic surgery proceduresSt Luke's Private Hospital
18 Roslyn Street, Potts Point NSW 2011
Phone: (02) 9356 0200
Bondi Junction Private Hospital
Bondi Junction Private Hospital
Level 1, 21 Spring Street, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022
Phone: (02) 9387 6622